Dr. Sadia Dar, MD is an American Board Medicine certified Physician in Family Medicine. Her special interests include primary care, acute and chronic disease management and addiction treatment. Dr. Dar is in fellowship training with Anti-Aging Medicine to explore and offer options to her patients to improve their health and wellness by prevention and active treatment.
Dr. Dar finished Family Medicine Residency training in 2004 from Winnipeg, MB in Canada. She worked in a primary care and urgent care setting for 2 years before moving to Kokomo, Indiana, United States in 2006 to work as a Primary care physician and a hospitalist. Since, 2010 Dr. Dar has worked with America’s Family Doctors in Smyrna, and Brentwood Tennessee to provide care to patients of all age groups, from different fields of life, and on varying spectrum points in their health. Recently Dr. Dar has started Intermittent Fasting and says she likes to stick with the “Clean 15″ and Dirty Dozen”.
Dr. Dar’s philosophy is “Practicing medicine with care and knowledge is my passion. I value and adore the fact that I am privileged in a position where patients can trust me and partner with me for their health and well being. Prevention of disease is my goal for all my patients. Together, we can figure it out :)”. We are in exciting era of health care where Technology and innovations is making a lot of things possible that we could not do before. It makes me proud when I see more and more patients using our Patient Portal to communicate with us.